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Verklarende Studiebybel

Die Verklarende Studiebybel sal jou jou Bybelkennis help opskerp. Dit word heelhartig aanbeveel vir naslaanwerk en persoonlike groei doeleindes. Dit is ook die uitgewers se gebed dat die Verklarende Studiebybel lesers sal inspireer en toerus om God daagliks te volg en ’n student van Sy Woord te wees. Die studienotas kom uit die gewilde Know the Word Study Bible.

Boek-vir-boek-inligting, vers-vir-vers-inligting en onderwerp-vir-onderwerp-inligting maak van dié Studiebybel sonder twyfel ’n aangename lees- en leerervaring. Volledige voetnotas, soos onder meer ook vertalersnotas, bied verdere stof tot nadenke. “Die verskille in die manuskripte se bewoording het tot gevolg dat tekskritici besluite moes neem oor watter lesings die naaste aan die heel eerste Hebreeuse en Griekse geskrifte is, en daardie weergawe is dan gebruik vir die gedrukte Bybelteks. Die tekskritiek het deur die jare so verfyn geraak dat daar vandag maar enkele gedrukte tekste van die grondtale van die Bybel is waaruit die meeste vertalings wêreldwyd gedoen word. Die samestellers van die Verklarende Studiebybel het dit goedgedink om die lesers ’n kykie te gee in die vernaamste verskille wat in hierdie grondtekste voorkom. Hierdie lesings word dan in die tekskritiese notas opgeneem. In die tekskritiese notas word daar by baie verse ook verwys na ander Skrifgedeeltes waar diesefde gedagtes voorkom of waar ’n aanhaling vandaan kom (Voorwoord).

Aantekeninge by die teks hou die leser ook op hoogte “van die variasies tussen die verskillende manuskriptradisies van die Nuwe Testament. Hierdie inligting vorm nie normaalweg deel van Afrikaanse vertalings van die Nuwe Testament nie” (XII). Die “Hoogtepunte in die boek”-afdelings lig die leser kortliks in oor wat om van elke Bybelboek te verwag. Die “Bestudeer die Boek”-hofies bied verdere insig. Duimdrukke by die leeruitgawes help die leser om met gemak tussen Bybelboeke te navigeer. Die kleurkaarte agter in die Studiebybel is ’n welkome ekstra vir die weetgierige Bybelstudent.


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Schreuder, J.J. – Infant Baptism

Should little Children be baptised?

Or should believing parents wait with the administration of baptism to their children until they themselves begin to believe?

Opinions differ regarding this question.

How come, and what does the Bible have to say about this subject?

In this clearly written booklet Reverend Schreuder discusses the arguments for and against. He is convinced that the Bible teaches infant baptism, as it is also mirrored in the Reformed Confessions.


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Stam, Klaas – Everything in Christ

Everything in Christ explores the Belgic confession and its biblical foundation in thirty outlines, offering both simplicity and depth.
A few outlines on church history, liturgy, and church government have been added to give a more complete picture of life and views in the Canadian reformed churches of which the author was a member.

Originally a course for preconfession students, the book includes outlines on church history, church polity and liturgy. Emphasis has been placed on Scriptural references with cross-references to the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dort.

Well-suited for study material for societies, schools and homes.


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Westerink, H – A Sign of Faithfulness

This book on Baptism is a jewel. One seldom comes across a book that simultaneously matches such simplicity to profundity, and vice versa. The author excels at clarifying the marvellous continuity (and discontinuity) between the old and new covenant with respect to the question of baptism — infant baptism in particular.


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Bouwman, Clarence – God’s Glorious GODness

Is the Lord God enough God for people to entrust our todays and our tomorrows to him? Or: are we people big enough to determine our own destiny in this life and the life to come?

On the 400th anniversary of the publication of the Canons of Dort, this book lays out the content of this much-loved ­–and reviled– historical document in order to show that the God of heaven is indeed so much God that his people are eternally safe with him despite the weaknesses and failures that keep haunting us. As we struggle with our brokenness and finiteness, the author would encourage readers to fix our hope on the eternal God who sovereignly and graciously chose a people for himself even before he created this world, then gave his only Son to redeem them totally from sin and its effects, and now sustains his people by his Word and Spirit until they shall certainly receive from his hand the crown of glory. The argument developed in these pages is that this God, precisely because he is God, never fails his people.

“In these pages that follow I have divided the material of the Canons’ five Chapters into 16 sections of reasonably equal length. This was done to make the study of these Chapters more manageable. At the end of each of these sections the reader will find a number of Discussion Questions.”


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Strauch, Alexander & Swartley, Richard – Biblical Eldership (Mentor’s Guide)

Biblical Eldership Mentor’s Guide, along with its companion works, Biblical Eldership and Biblical Eldership Study Guide, provide a comprehensive, biblical mentoring program to help train church elders. The Mentor’s Guide is the leader’s edition of the Biblical Eldership Study Guide. It is designed for the mentoring elder only, not the trainee. Because elders are busy men, and many do not have the time or adequate resources to prepare for mentoring, this guide provides the mentoring elder with extensive answers to all the questions in the Study Guide, along with practical mentoring tips. Both guides are designed to be used alongside the Biblical Eldership text.


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Strauch, Alexander – Biblical Eldership

This comprehensive look at the role and function of elders brings all the advantages of shared leadership into focus. Beginning with the four broad categories of eldership (leading, feeding, caring, and protecting), Biblical Eldership explores the essential work of elders, their qualifications (including why qualifications are necessary), their relationships with each other, and each of the biblical passages related to eldership. Written for those seeking a clear understanding of the mandate for biblical eldership, this full-length, expository book defines it accurately, practically, and according to Scripture.


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