Is the Lord God enough God for people to entrust our todays and our tomorrows to him? Or: are we people big enough to determine our own destiny in this life and the life to come?
On the 400th anniversary of the publication of the Canons of Dort, this book lays out the content of this much-loved –and reviled– historical document in order to show that the God of heaven is indeed so much God that his people are eternally safe with him despite the weaknesses and failures that keep haunting us. As we struggle with our brokenness and finiteness, the author would encourage readers to fix our hope on the eternal God who sovereignly and graciously chose a people for himself even before he created this world, then gave his only Son to redeem them totally from sin and its effects, and now sustains his people by his Word and Spirit until they shall certainly receive from his hand the crown of glory. The argument developed in these pages is that this God, precisely because he is God, never fails his people.
“In these pages that follow I have divided the material of the Canons’ five Chapters into 16 sections of reasonably equal length. This was done to make the study of these Chapters more manageable. At the end of each of these sections the reader will find a number of Discussion Questions.”