Coppola, Antonio – Faithful God: An Introduction to Covenant Theology


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Faithful God by Antonio Coppola. Covenant theology is God’s inspired framework that helps us understand his Word better. It helped me see the highpoints in the history of redemption, which in turn highlighted for me the deep and rich Old Testament doctrines that all pointed to Christ and made his work in the New Testament appear much more glorious. Thus covenant theology gave me a new perspective of and appreciation for God’s story, the history of redemption.
This book will do the same for you. The subtitle – An Introduction to Covenant Theology – describes the content. The title hints strongly at the purpose: giving glory to our faithful God. The book is organised chronologically, working from the first pages of Scripture to the later Old Testament prophets who clearly anticipated the coming of Christ. It also presents covenant theology systematically in thoughtful ways, including practical reflection in each section to help the reader apply these truths.

Ook in Afrikaans beskikbaar:  Troue God


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